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Our youth are amazing. On our recent Middle School Fall Retreat, each morning 29 of us split up and spent time alone with God surrounded by the beauty of creation, and I was astounded by the depth and thoughtfulness displayed by some of these 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.

The assignment? Allow the words of Psalm 19:1-4a to sink in:

1The heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
    night after night they reveal knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words;
    no sound is heard from them.
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
    their words to the ends of the world.

Meditate on this ancient poetry praising God…and then write your own! And here are the 3 who shared their poems with the group in our final worship service together…

God is here, God is here

Even if sound doesn’t appear

Like stars, like light

All brighten up the fearful night

Not all will be heard, not all will be seen

But there will always be a little gleam.

~Millicent Childs, 6th grade


How wonderful it is to be around

The rocks, trees, the birds, and the seas,

With just you and me in the breeze.

I feel your touch

So just come out

The changing colors of the leaves

Makes me want to feel your breeze.

~Anna Hartis, 7th grade


The green that surrounds is lush and lovely

The smells of autumn falling and the clouds above me

Remind me of your wondrous power

Who strengthens me more and more every hour.

The light wind that rustles the leaves

Helps my stress go away and fills me with ease

It reminds me of your wondrous power

That heals me more and more every hour.


The wind dies down and the earth becomes still

I think of all day the possibilities I can fulfill,

Reminds me of your wondrous power,

That guides me more and more every hour.

And as the summer turns to fall,

I hear more clearly your Spirit call,

Reminds me of your wondrous power,

Who strengthens me more and more every hour.

~Kyleigh Pegram, 8th grade